
※About Us / English

About Us / English

Our Mission & Services

Wisdom Academy offers learning experiences for childen and adults. We believe that the delight of learning is to discover your new own self. We support those who learn because to encouter learning is a treasure fulfilling your life. This will be one of the most precious luxruries that you will ever experience. Everybody in the family learns in their own style. Each one learns what they need, when they want to and in their own way. Here at Wisdom Academy, we prepared two styles: one for the children, ” Wisdom Afterschool”, and one for adults, ”Wisdom Lesson”.

Wisdom Afterschool

Wisdom Afterschool is here to nurture your child’s independence and leadership, nourish your child’s dreams, explore the potential of your child while increasing opportunities of quality learning in a safe environment.


“There’s no place like home”
If the parents’ home is the first home and the grand parents’ home is the second home, we want to make Wisdom Afterschool the third home for children. All the staff at the Afterschool wishes to make the academy where your children and you feel at home.

Wisdom Afterschool is intended to be a “Hub Airport” for the children. Wisdom Afterschool is a facility that provides children with transportation, pick up at the school for learning at Wisdom Academy and sending to parents’ home after learning.

Wisdom Afterschool offers:

  • High quality lessons of versatile subjects
  • Quality food service
  • Pick-up service from school to Wisdom Academy to your home
  • Support for homework and study
  • Nurse service up to 22:00
  • Summer and winter programs

*Our tutors are highly educated and have a great deal of experiences in teaching and we have wonderful facilities with a state-of-the-art security system. We assure you that your child will receive high quality support from our staff in a safe environment.

Curriculum Mandatory curriculum (Zero Spark, the first assinment ・the second assignment・ diary) Wisdom Academy introduces ” Zero Spark” to develop children’s concentration and ability to quickly switch their brain modes.
Zero Spark is the original program from Spark Exercise JUKU.
Practicing Zero Spark for 30 seconds before lessons and studying will stimulate your brain and help developing your concentration.
The first assignment is to do home work from school or Kumon for example. The second assignments are drills from Wisdom Afterschool (registration required), helping parents in the house hold work, or doing intellectual games, two minutes speeches, site visits to museums, super markets or factories; or, growing vegetables and observing plants.
Keep a Diary. To note matters in three lines that you have noticed and that emotionally moved today.

Special curriculum (Power of Language) :
By learning the power of reading, writing, listening and observing, we will strengthen your child’s language skills.
Lessons :
Calligraphy, Abacus (Soroban), tea ceremony, art, painting, English, Chinese, piano, violin, singing and dancing, brain training exercise will be taught by experts in the field.

Wisdom After Kindergarten

Wisdom After Kindergarten offers :
Child care from kindergarten children and nursery school children (preschool, toddler, kindergarten student, and their siblings) Wisdom After Kindergarten also prepares the same curriculum as Wisdom Afterschool offers.

Targeted age : 3 to 6 years old from international schools, other kindergartens and nursery schools. Children must be toilet trained and be able to eat by themselves.

Food: optional
Lessons : Japanese, English, Chinese, art, craft, Abacus, Japanese chess, calligraphy ect.
The lessons will be taught and supervised by certified teachers.

Wisdom Lesson

Wisdom Lesson offers :
Lessons by pioneers from variety of fields who can provide you an opportunity to discover your potentials and stimulate your mind.
Introduction of recent Wisdom Lessons:
・”The Happiest Marriage of Mild Sweets and Coffee”
Lecturer: Mr. Yoshiaki Kawashima and Ms. Nobuko Kimura
・”Fascinating Valentine Sweets”
Lecturer: Mr. Kikujiro Yoshida
・”Wisdom Christmas Concert”
Artists: Mr. Sadahito Kunisue and Ms. Mari Nakamura
・Impressive Manner Seminar ” How to be a Lady”
Lecturer: Ms. Hiroko Fujii

Application for Admission

After School (PDF) After Kndergarten (PDF) Wisdom Guide Book (PDF)